
Contains the Google Fit APIs.


BleApi API for scanning, claiming, and using Bluetooth Low Energy devices in Google Fit. 
ConfigApi API for accessing custom data types and settings in Google Fit. 
HistoryApi API for inserting, deleting, and reading data in Google Fit. 
RecordingApi API which enables low-power, always-on background collection of sensor data into the Google Fit store. 
SensorsApi API which exposes different sources of fitness data in local and connected devices, and delivers live events to listeners. 
SessionsApi API for creating and managing sessions of user activity in Google Fit. 


Fitness The main entry point to Google Fit APIs. 
FitnessActivities Constants representing different user activities, such as walking, running, and cycling. 
FitnessStatusCodes Google Fit specific status codes, for use in getStatusCode()  
HistoryApi.ViewIntentBuilder Builder of intents to view data stored in Google Fit. 
SessionsApi.ViewIntentBuilder Builder of intents to view sessions stored in Google Fit.