public interface


Class Overview

Exposes an API for to learn about local or connected Nodes.

Node events are delivered to all applications on a device.


Nested Classes
interface NodeApi.GetConnectedNodesResult Contains a list of connected nodes. 
interface NodeApi.GetLocalNodeResult Contains the name and id that represents this device. 
interface NodeApi.NodeListener Used with addListener(GoogleApiClient, NodeApi.NodeListener) to receive node events. 
Public Methods
abstract PendingResult<Status> addListener(GoogleApiClient client, NodeApi.NodeListener listener)
Registers a listener to receive all node events.
abstract PendingResult<NodeApi.GetConnectedNodesResult> getConnectedNodes(GoogleApiClient client)
Gets a list of nodes to which this device is currently connected.
abstract PendingResult<NodeApi.GetLocalNodeResult> getLocalNode(GoogleApiClient client)
Gets the Node that refers to this device.
abstract PendingResult<Status> removeListener(GoogleApiClient client, NodeApi.NodeListener listener)
Removes a listener which was previously added through addListener(GoogleApiClient, NodeListener).

Public Methods

public abstract PendingResult<Status> addListener (GoogleApiClient client, NodeApi.NodeListener listener)

Registers a listener to receive all node events. Calls to this method should balanced with removeListener(GoogleApiClient, NodeListener), to avoid leaking resources.

Callers wishing to be notified of node events in the background should use WearableListenerService.

public abstract PendingResult<NodeApi.GetConnectedNodesResult> getConnectedNodes (GoogleApiClient client)

Gets a list of nodes to which this device is currently connected.

The returned list will not include the local node.

public abstract PendingResult<NodeApi.GetLocalNodeResult> getLocalNode (GoogleApiClient client)

Gets the Node that refers to this device. The information in the returned Node can be passed to other devices using the MessageApi, for example.

public abstract PendingResult<Status> removeListener (GoogleApiClient client, NodeApi.NodeListener listener)

Removes a listener which was previously added through addListener(GoogleApiClient, NodeListener).