前言Smack是著名的开源XMPP客户端库,另一个开源IM全功能客户端Spark就是基于此库编写的(Spark或其修改版被众多国内中小企业作为内部沟通工具),2018年08月02日Smack正式发由了4.2.2版,此版为小幅更新版。 更新内容Bug- [SMACK-759] - PubSubManager.getLeafNode() throws PubSubAssertionError.DiscoInfoNodeAssertionError if node exists but its not a PubSub Node
- [SMACK-814] - NPE when using Node.getAffiliationsAsOwner()
- [SMACK-815] - XEP-0184: DeliveryReceipt requires ID, although the XEP defines it as optional attribute
- [SMACK-818] - EntityCapsManager sends presences with multiple CapsExtension causing disco#info lookup to fail
- [SMACK-819] - ConcurrentModification Exception in MultiUserChatManager.java
- [SMACK-820] - DNSUtil.setDaneProvider() does not set the DANE provider
Task- [SMACK-769] - Rename XMPPError to StanzaError
- [SMACK-776] - Remove deprecated reconnection callbacks in ConnectionListener
Improvement- [SMACK-761] - Adopt ChatStateManager to new Chat API (chat2)
- [SMACK-812] - Enable ModifierOrder checkstyle check
- [SMACK-816] - SimplePayload should infer the XML element name and namespace
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