前言XMPP开源IM客户端Spark近日发布了2.7.7版发布版,该版本也是Spark工程重新启动1周年纪念版。进展缓慢的Spark工程,如能重启再次活跃起来,对IM开发者和即时通讯学习者来说,将是个好消息。 Spark是一个开源、跨平台IM客户端(支持Linux、windows、Mac OS X平台)。它的特性支持集组聊天,电话集成和强大安全性能。如果企业内部部署IM使用Openfire+Spark是最佳的组合。 官方的说明原文This is another minor release marking exactly one year since Spark project reboot (yeah, we also like to have Anniversary Update ).There are a few small fixes and updates in this release (as a regression with Idle presence, fix for OTR plugin, etc.). I want to use this chance to look back at the last year. Spark had 7 more releases since the 2.7.0 during that time. 100 tickets have been resolved. Some old patches have been applied (laying around in the forums and the tracker for years). We have also received new patches from around 10 new contributors. Which is great! We see that Spark project is often forked on GitHub, so we hope more developers will forward their patches and new features to the main project. There is also an official Wikipedia page for Spark now (and additional 6 languages linked to it) in hope to increase awareness of this project. 2.7.7 版更新内容Bug
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