前言Smack是著名的开源XMPP客户端库,另一个开源IM全功能客户端Spark就是基于此库编写的(Spark或其修改版被众多国内中小企业作为内部沟通工具),2017年11月25日Smack正式发由了4.2.2版,此版为小幅更新版。 更新内容Bug- [SMACK-775] - Create callback interface for ReconnectionManager
- [SMACK-778] - ReconnectionManager.reconnect() can throw NotConnectedException
- [SMACK-779] - smack-android erroneously depends on smack-omemo and smack-omemo-signal
- [SMACK-780] - PushNotificationManager's isSupported logic does query the server, whereas it should query the bare JID
- [SMACK-781] - MiniDnsResolver does not correctly handle the case when NOERROR is returned together with an empty answer section.
- [SMACK-782] - MultiUserChat does not remove the subject listener causing a memory leak
- [SMACK-783] - InvitationRejectionListener fires multiple times
- [SMACK-784] - StringUtils.numbersAndLetters has the numbers twice, resulting in a lower entropy
- [SMACK-785] - OfflineMessageManager.getMessages() does count the pending messages incorrectly, causing an unnecessary delay
- [SMACK-786] - Race condition when resuming a stream
- [SMACK-787] - Presence.getPriority() may return Integer.MIN_VALUE.
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