public class


extends Object
implements Parcelable

Note: The Wearable Support Library classes under the package are subject to change. For the full Android API reference, see Reference.


Class Overview

A style descriptor for watch faces. Parameters here affect how IWatchFaceService will draw the system UI over a watch face. An instance of this class should be passed in to setStyle(WatchFaceStyle) in the onCreate method of your watch face activity. To construct a WatchFaceStyle use WatchFaceStyle.Builder.


Nested Classes
class WatchFaceStyle.Builder Builder for WatchFaceStyle objects. 
int AMBIENT_PEEK_MODE_HIDDEN When this ambient mode is selected, the peek card will be hidden in ambient.
int AMBIENT_PEEK_MODE_VISIBLE When this ambient mode is selected, the peek card will be shown in ambient.
int BACKGROUND_VISIBILITY_INTERRUPTIVE When this background visibility is selected, the background of the peek card should only be shown briefly, and only if the peek card represents an interruptive notification.
int BACKGROUND_VISIBILITY_PERSISTENT When this background visibility is selected, the background of the peek card should always be shown.
int PEEK_MODE_SHORT When this peek mode is selected, peek cards will be a single line tall.
int PEEK_MODE_VARIABLE When this peek mode is selected, peek cards will be as tall as needed, while maintaining enough space at the top to draw the system time and status icons.
int PEEK_OPACITY_MODE_OPAQUE When this peek opacity is selected, the first card will be completely opaque when peeking.
int PEEK_OPACITY_MODE_TRANSLUCENT When this peek opacity is selected, the first card will be slightly translucent when peeking.
int PROTECT_HOTWORD_INDICATOR Whether to put a semi-transparent black background behind the "Ok Google" string to make it visible on a white background.
int PROTECT_STATUS_BAR Whether to put a semi-transparent black background behind the status bar to make it visible on white backgrounds.
int PROTECT_WHOLE_SCREEN Whether to dim the entire watch face background slightly so the time and icons are always visible.
Inherited Constants
From interface android.os.Parcelable
public static final Creator<WatchFaceStyle> CREATOR
Public Methods
int describeContents()
boolean equals(Object otherObj)
int getAmbientPeekMode()
Controls how the first, peeking card will be displayed while the watch is in ambient, black & white mode.
int getBackgroundVisibility()
Controls displaying background of the first, peeking card.
int getCardPeekMode()
Controls how far into the screen the first card will peek while the watch face is displayed.
ComponentName getComponent()
The component of the watch face activity whose style is being specified.
int getHotwordIndicatorGravity()
Controls position of hotword (OK Google) on the screen.
int getPeekOpacityMode()
Controls whether the first, peeking card should be opaque when the watch face is displayed.
boolean getShowSystemUiTime()
If true, the system will draw the system-style time over the watch face.
boolean getShowUnreadCountIndicator()
Whether to add an indicator of how many unread cards there are in the stream.
int getStatusBarGravity()
Controls position of status icons (battery state, lack of connection) on the screen.
int getViewProtectionMode()
Allows adding background color to UI elements of the home screen, so they are readable on the watch face.
int hashCode()
String toString()
void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int flags)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface android.os.Parcelable


public static final int AMBIENT_PEEK_MODE_HIDDEN

When this ambient mode is selected, the peek card will be hidden in ambient.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int AMBIENT_PEEK_MODE_VISIBLE

When this ambient mode is selected, the peek card will be shown in ambient. This is the default mode.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


When this background visibility is selected, the background of the peek card should only be shown briefly, and only if the peek card represents an interruptive notification.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


When this background visibility is selected, the background of the peek card should always be shown. This is the default mode. Note that this will obscure your watch face whenever there is a peek card showing.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int PEEK_MODE_SHORT

When this peek mode is selected, peek cards will be a single line tall.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int PEEK_MODE_VARIABLE

When this peek mode is selected, peek cards will be as tall as needed, while maintaining enough space at the top to draw the system time and status icons. This is the default mode.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int PEEK_OPACITY_MODE_OPAQUE

When this peek opacity is selected, the first card will be completely opaque when peeking. This is the default mode.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final int PEEK_OPACITY_MODE_TRANSLUCENT

When this peek opacity is selected, the first card will be slightly translucent when peeking.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int PROTECT_HOTWORD_INDICATOR

Whether to put a semi-transparent black background behind the "Ok Google" string to make it visible on a white background.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

public static final int PROTECT_STATUS_BAR

Whether to put a semi-transparent black background behind the status bar to make it visible on white backgrounds.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)

public static final int PROTECT_WHOLE_SCREEN

Whether to dim the entire watch face background slightly so the time and icons are always visible.

Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004)


public static final Creator<WatchFaceStyle> CREATOR

Public Methods

public int describeContents ()

public boolean equals (Object otherObj)

public int getAmbientPeekMode ()

Controls how the first, peeking card will be displayed while the watch is in ambient, black & white mode. Can be set to AMBIENT_PEEK_MODE_VISIBLE or AMBIENT_PEEK_MODE_HIDDEN. AMBIENT_PEEK_MODE_VISIBLE is the default value.

public int getBackgroundVisibility ()

Controls displaying background of the first, peeking card. Can be set to either BACKGROUND_VISIBILITY_INTERRUPTIVE or BACKGROUND_VISIBILITY_PERSISTENT. BACKGROUND_VISIBILITY_INTERRUPTIVE is the default value.

public int getCardPeekMode ()

Controls how far into the screen the first card will peek while the watch face is displayed. Can be set to either PEEK_MODE_VARIABLE or PEEK_MODE_SHORT. PEEK_MODE_VARIABLE is the default value.

public ComponentName getComponent ()

The component of the watch face activity whose style is being specified.

public int getHotwordIndicatorGravity ()

Controls position of hotword (OK Google) on the screen. Can be set to any combination of horizontal Gravity constant (LEFT, CENTER_HORIZONTAL, RIGHT) and vertical Gravity constants (TOP, CENTER_VERTICAL, BOTTOM), e.g. Gravity.LEFT | Gravity.BOTTOM. On circular screens, only the vertical gravity is respected.

public int getPeekOpacityMode ()

Controls whether the first, peeking card should be opaque when the watch face is displayed. Can be set to either PEEK_OPACITY_MODE_OPAQUE or PEEK_OPACITY_MODE_TRANSLUCENT. PEEK_OPACITY_MODE_OPAQUE is the default value.

public boolean getShowSystemUiTime ()

If true, the system will draw the system-style time over the watch face. By default it is set to false, which means you should draw or clearly represent the time on your watch face.

public boolean getShowUnreadCountIndicator ()

Whether to add an indicator of how many unread cards there are in the stream. The indicator will be displayed next to status icons (battery state, lack of connection). The default value is false.

public int getStatusBarGravity ()

Controls position of status icons (battery state, lack of connection) on the screen. Can be set to any combination of horizontal Gravity constant (LEFT, CENTER_HORIZONTAL, RIGHT) and vertical Gravity constants (TOP, CENTER_VERTICAL, BOTTOM), e.g. Gravity.LEFT | Gravity.BOTTOM. On circular screens, only the vertical gravity is respected.

public int getViewProtectionMode ()

Allows adding background color to UI elements of the home screen, so they are readable on the watch face. This should be used if the watch face color is close to being white. This can be set to any combination of PROTECT_STATUS_BAR, PROTECT_HOTWORD_INDICATOR and PROTECT_WHOLE_SCREEN, e.g. PROTECT_STATUS_BAR | PROTECT_HOTWORD_INDICATOR. The default value is no protection.

public int hashCode ()

public String toString ()

public void writeToParcel (Parcel parcel, int flags)