Provides access to a few facilities of the Android security subsystems.
KeyChainAliasCallback |
The KeyChainAliasCallback is the callback for choosePrivateKeyAlias(Activity, KeyChainAliasCallback, String[], Principal[], String, int, String) .
KeyChain |
The KeyChain class provides access to private keys and
their corresponding certificate chains in credential storage.
KeyPairGeneratorSpec |
This provides the required parameters needed for initializing the
KeyPairGenerator that works with
Android KeyStore
KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder |
Builder class for KeyPairGeneratorSpec objects.
KeyStoreParameter |
This provides the optional parameters that can be specified for
KeyStore entries that work with
Android KeyStore
KeyStoreParameter.Builder |
Builder class for KeyStoreParameter objects.
KeyChainException |
Thrown on problems accessing the KeyChain .