Support android.util classes to assist with development of applications for
android API level 4 or later.
Pools.Pool<T> |
Interface for managing a pool of objects.
ArrayMap<K, V> |
ArrayMap is a generic key->value mapping data structure that is
designed to be more memory efficient than a traditional HashMap ,
this implementation is a version of the platform's
ArrayMap that can be used on older versions of the platform.
AtomicFile |
Static library support version of the framework's AtomicFile ,
a helper class for performing atomic operations on a file by creating a
backup file until a write has successfully completed.
CircularArray<E> |
CircularArray is a generic circular array data structure that provides O(1) random read, O(1)
prepend and O(1) append.
CircularIntArray |
CircularIntArray is a circular integer array data structure that provides O(1) random read, O(1)
prepend and O(1) append.
LongSparseArray<E> |
SparseArray mapping longs to Objects, a version of the platform's
LongSparseArray that can be used on older versions of the
LruCache<K, V> |
Static library version of LruCache .
Pair<F, S> |
Container to ease passing around a tuple of two objects.
Pools |
Helper class for crating pools of objects.
Pools.SimplePool<T> |
Simple (non-synchronized) pool of objects.
Pools.SynchronizedPool<T> |
Synchronized) pool of objects.
SimpleArrayMap<K, V> |
Base implementation of ArrayMap that doesn't include any standard Java
container API interoperability.
SparseArrayCompat<E> |
A copy of the current platform (currently KITKAT
version of SparseArray ; provides a removeAt() method and other things.