Android APIs
public static class


extends NotificationCompatBase.UnreadConversation

Class Overview

A class which holds the unread messages from a conversation.


Nested Classes
class NotificationCompat.CarExtender.UnreadConversation.Builder Builder class for NotificationCompat.CarExtender.UnreadConversation objects. 
Public Methods
long getLatestTimestamp()
Gets the timestamp of the conversation.
String[] getMessages()
Gets the list of messages conveyed by this notification.
String getParticipant()
Gets the firs participant in the conversation.
String[] getParticipants()
Gets the participants in the conversation.
PendingIntent getReadPendingIntent()
Gets the pending intent that Android Auto will send after it reads aloud all messages in this object's message list.
RemoteInput getRemoteInput()
Gets the remote input that will be used to convey the response to a message list, or null if no such remote input exists.
PendingIntent getReplyPendingIntent()
Gets the pending intent that will be triggered when the user replies to this notification.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public long getLatestTimestamp ()

Gets the timestamp of the conversation.

public String[] getMessages ()

Gets the list of messages conveyed by this notification.

public String getParticipant ()

Gets the firs participant in the conversation.

public String[] getParticipants ()

Gets the participants in the conversation.

public PendingIntent getReadPendingIntent ()

Gets the pending intent that Android Auto will send after it reads aloud all messages in this object's message list.

public RemoteInput getRemoteInput ()

Gets the remote input that will be used to convey the response to a message list, or null if no such remote input exists.

public PendingIntent getReplyPendingIntent ()

Gets the pending intent that will be triggered when the user replies to this notification.