Android APIs
Added in API level 1
public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

This interface is deprecated.
Please use openConnection() instead. Please visit this webpage for further details.

Class Overview

Parameter names for routing in HttpConn.


String DEFAULT_PROXY Parameter for the default proxy.
String FORCED_ROUTE Parameter for an forced route.
String LOCAL_ADDRESS Parameter for the local address.


public static final String DEFAULT_PROXY

Added in API level 1

Parameter for the default proxy. The default value will be used by some HttpRoutePlanner implementations, in particular the default implementation.

This parameter expects a value of type HttpHost.

Constant Value: "http.route.default-proxy"

public static final String FORCED_ROUTE

Added in API level 1

Parameter for an forced route. The forced route will be interpreted by the standard HttpRoutePlanner implementations. Instead of computing a route, the given forced route will be returned, even if it points to the wrong target host.

This parameter expects a value of type HttpRoute.

Constant Value: "http.route.forced-route"

public static final String LOCAL_ADDRESS

Added in API level 1

Parameter for the local address. On machines with multiple network interfaces, this parameter can be used to select the network interface from which the connection originates. It will be interpreted by the standard HttpRoutePlanner implementations, in particular the default implementation.

This parameter expects a value of type InetAddress.

Constant Value: "http.route.local-address"